Dear colleague,
I have received the following email with regard to plans for a new health hub in South Ockendon.
Please contact Kerry Harding (details below) if you are interested.
Further to our recent conversations I am writing to ask if you can help me to make your members aware of an opportunity in South Ockendon.
We are currently developing a project for a new health hub, this will be separate to the new Purfleet Integrated Medical Centre that your members may already be aware of. We did reach out to local dental services in the first round of engagement but had no response. We are now getting down to more detailed planning and I wanted to ensure that the opportunity was not missed, particularly as dental services have recently come out of the South Ockendon Health Centre and the GPs have identified a need for dental services in the area.
We are planning a new health hub to include GP, community and mental health services. The size and layout of the facility has yet to be established so it is pretty much a blank page. We need to understand if there is a requirement for new dental facilities to establish the size and cost of delivery of the new facility. The space could be provided as shell and core, ready for fit out or we could stipulate the need for a fully fitted facility, clearly the rental cost would be aligned the finish required. It is anticipated that the site will be delivered by either NHS Property Services or a third party developer
Kerry Harding (she/her) | Interim Deputy Director of Estates
ICB Estates / Resources | Phone: 07342 704868
Twitter:@MSEssex_ICS | Facebook:MSEICS | Instagram:@MSEssex_ICS
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)