The Essex Local Dental Committee
New Commissioning initiatives in Essex
Please find underneath information about new commissiong initiatives from NHSE within the area.
Herts LDC news-letter
Dentists from West Essex can join the mailing list of Herts LDC as HWE ICB is responsible for this part of Essex.
Please get in touch with Peter Tatton - - who will arrange this for dentists in the West Essex ICB catchment area.
Cardio Vascular Disease Dental Assess- ment Pilot
9th April 2024
Dental Assessment for patients with CVD Pilot Service Spec Final
Centres for Cardiac Patients
Further to the email sent on the 25th of March, this is a reminder that the Expression of Interest in the Cardio Vascular Disease Assessment Pilot is due to expire at 6pm Friday 12th April 2024.
If you wish to express an interest, please complete the MS form, linked in the email in italics below.
Thank you to those who have submitted a bid. We will aim to assess bids and respond to all bidders by close of play next week.
Kristian Fogarty (Primary Care Contract Support Manager, Dental Team MSE)
Dear NHS Dental Provider,
Mid and South Essex ICB are seeking expressions of interest from NHS Dental Contract holders that hold a contract for Mandatory services, who would be interested in taking part in a Cardio Vascular Disease Dental Assessment Pilot.
The purpose of this pilot is to provide Dental support to patients prior to cardiac surgery who require a dental assessment. We are seeking two practices in Mid and South Essex who will be the primary referral location for patients who are not currently listed with a regular practice. Where necessary Dentists will be required to provide additional treatment to ensure the patients are dentally fit for surgery.
Practices will be remunerated for the assessments as detailed in the service specification.
Full details of this pilot can be found in the attached Service Specification which we ask you to read and additional details provided in the SOP.
If you would like to express an interest, please complete the form via the link :
Care Home Pilot - Ongoing Offer
2nd February 2024
Dear NHS Providers,
Thank you to those providers that are taking part in our Dental Care home and Domiciliary pilot, some who have been working on the pilot for some time and some who are starting now.
We have organised another Webinar (previous one was on the 7th of December) to discuss how this pilot is progressing for current providers and also those that may be interested in joining in the future.
These webinars will be Monthly on every second Thursday of the month from now until March 2025.
I have attached the details and also posted them below:
Thursday 8th of February 2023 13:15 – 13:45
The joining details for the Teams meeting can be requested via the contact form on the LDC webpage.
Care Home Pilot
If you would like to express an interest, please complete the form via the link :
If you wish to take part in this Pilot from the 1st of November 2023 your response is required by 6pm Wednesday 11 October 2023.
However, this is an open offer for the duration of the Pilot so you may wish to take more time to consider and submit your expression of interest to join from 1st December or subsequently, with a minimum of two weeks’ notice.
The purpose of this pilot is to provide Dental support to Care Homes via regular visits from DCP’s. Where necessary Dentists will be required to attend and treat the patients.
Practices will be remunerated for the DCP visits and receive a retention fee to retain their services, as detailed in the service specification : Care Homes - Service Specification
Practices will be remunerated for treatments as detailed in the service specification.
Full details of this pilot can be found in the attached Service Specification which we ask you to read.
See also links below to NICE guidance on Oral health for Care Homes and NHS England’s guidance on enhanced health in care homes.
Dental Access Pilot
The closing date for 'expressions of interest' for the Mid and South Essex Dental Access Pilot is the close of business tomorrow, Friday 14th July, at 6pm.
Your LDC has worked closely with the commissioners to fashion this pilot to improve dental access by flexing additional sessional payment that does not rely on UDAs, but still counts toward your UDA contractual requirement.
I have summarised the main points of the service specification here,
and the full service specification can be accessed here.
You can access a map of Mid and South Essex ICB here.
If you feel able to provide some additional access, or are interested in entering a 'buddying' arrangement with other practitioners, please express your interest at
This does not commit you to anything; it is to facilitate discussion in order to explore the very flexible opportunities available.
If we can make this pilot a success, it may well become the blueprint for improving access elsewhere - much as our SOP during the pandemic was adopted across the country.
Dear Dental Provider
As an ICB, we have recently met and discussed the current state of dentistry with many of you. We recognise the need for us to commission more services and help you recruit and retain staff in dentistry. Going into 2024/2025, we will be sharing our plans with you and will be setting up a number of quarterly updates for you and your teams to help you understand how the implementation of our aims are progressing. We are looking to support everything from oral health in Schools and Care Homes, to having a more local TMJ service.
During the next 12 months we hope you will see more and more incentives and schemes that are there to help improve access for all as well as help recruitment, retention and upskilling of our dental workforce. The first three schemes are attached within the DPASS Letter explaining more. DPASS is the Dental Priority Access and Stabilisation Service (service specification attached here) which we hope will be of interest to you either in-hours, or out-of-hours. It is designed to make certain cohorts of patients, who we know have poor oral health, more attractive for services to take on and provide dental disease stabilisation.
Best wishes
The SNEE Dental Team.
Last update 7th February 2024