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         Dental Care Professionals - Changes to FP17 Claim Submissions                                 

Dental Care Professionals (DCPs) will soon be able to submit their own FP17 claims when completing full courses of treatment. This will be using their own personal number recorded in the same field where a dentist’s personal number would go.


From midday on Tuesday 27 February 2024, some screens on Compass will change. Where the terminology ‘performer’ will also be applicable to DCPs, the terminology will be changed to ‘clinician’. Dentists will still be required to use their performer numbers, however, this field name will change to ‘Personal ID’ to cover both dentists and DCPs.


This change to enable unique numbers to be generated for dental therapists, dental hygienists and clinical dental technicians, will make it easier for DCPs to open and close courses of treatment. It means they no longer requires a dentist’s performer number to submit a claim.


Generation of DCP Personal Numbers

Personal numbers can be generated for hygienists, therapists and clinical dental technicians by providers directly on Compass. This process will issue an email to the DCP containing their personal ID number and Compass account activation details. They will also be allocated PINs in order to transmit files of claims. Providers or designated persons can create personal numbers from 27 February onwards.


Addition of DCPs to contracts

Providers will need to add DCPs onto their contracts via the current process used to add dentists. To do this you will need to amend their contract on Compass and submit a Compass Authorisation Form (CAF) for commissioner approval. There is an updated CAF that must be used. There will be no estimated earnings applicable for DCPs. Providers must ensure that they carry out the same new starter checks as per the current CAF process for dentists. Providers can add DCPs to their contracts from 27 February 2024.


Using DCP personal numbers to submit claims

DCPs should be added to a contract with a start date of Monday 1 April 2024. DCPs must wait until their personal number has been authorised and they have been added to a contract before attempting to submit. You will receive an email confirmation when your addition to the contract has been authorised.


Joint courses of treatment with dentists

The current process for DCPs when sharing courses of treatment with dentists will continue to apply. If DCPs carry out joint courses of treatment alongside dental performers, FP17 claims must continue to be submitted with a dentists’ performer number and the GDC number of the DCP (even if you have a personal number).


Additional resources

Detailed, step-by-step guidance for providers, clinicians and commissioners on the new change is available on our website under ‘Information for Dental Care Professionals (DCPs)'.


Leadership Fellows Introductions from Veni Cochrane

I would like to introduce the senior leadership fellows working with the LDN and contracted by Mid and South Essex, Suffolk and North East Essex and Norfolk and Waveney ICBs.

We will work on a number of projects together for these ICBs as well as supporting the LDN.

If a fellow contact is needed for these regions, they are as follows: 

MSE -      Georg Schnellinger:

SNEE -    Veni Cochrane:

NW -        Rachel Doogan:          

Louise Brooks: 

We will be looking to circulate an LDN newsletter in the near future - if there are any updates you would like included in this please let us know. 


Kind regards,

Clint Foreman

(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)

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