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LDC Summer 2021 Update

Dear colleague, The narratives and hyperlinks below represent a summary of recent updates, in case you have missed any. SNOMED Concerns raised by BDA about SNOMED: Health and Care Bill - Committee Stage - update on BDA lobbying activity The Health and Care Bill is now entering the Committee stage in its passage through Parliament. In addition to presenting our own written evidence to the Bill Committee (attached) we have been working with the other representative bodies of NHS primary care (including the British Medical Association, Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee, and the Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee). I attach the short joint briefing document which will shortly be sent to each member of the Bill Committee on behalf of this grouping. This calls on committee members to strengthen the government's commitment to including NHS primary care representation on Integrated Care Partnerships. As you will see from the document, one of the key asks is that existing statutory Local Representative Committees (LDCs, LMCs, LOCs, LPCs - the voice of the primary care professions locally) have the right to put forward nominations for those roles. Health and Social Care Bill - Primary Care Key 'Asks' briefing 6.9.21. BDA written evidence for the Health and Social Care Committee Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are partnerships of health and care organisations, local government and the voluntary sector. They exist to improve population health, tackle health inequalities, enhance productivity and help the NHS support broader social and economic development. They will take on statutory form following the implementation of proposed legislation from April 2022 and will comprise an Integrated Care Board (ICB) which will take on CCGs’ functions and broader strategic responsibility for setting healthcare strategies for the system. The ICB will work with an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) committee formed jointly with Local Authority Partners. Together the ICP and ICB will become the ICS. Originally created as part of the NHS’s Long-Term Plan, there are 42 ICSs covering the whole of England, each serving between 500,000 and three million people. Each will hold substantial budget for commissioning high quality patient care and driving health and care improvements for their communities. The chair will lead a unitary board which will bring together leaders from across all parts of the NHS, local government, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Appointments will be approved by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. General Dental Practitioners Committee - Current Issues Letter and link from Shawn Charlwood (Chair of the GDPC) to all members. Barts and The London Dental Club Webinar Series 2021 Our third and final session in the series will be held on Thursday 7 October and feature Editor-in-Chief of the British Dental Journal, Dr Stephen Hancocks OBE, on top tips for publishing in dentistry, and Dr Peter Dean (Dentistry BDS, 1975; Medicine MBBS, 1982), who will give us a history of coroners and suspicious death investigation. If you would like to join us, you can book your place for one or both of the webinars. If you require CPD certification, you can book single sessions for £15 each; the sessions are otherwise free for all alumni, students, staff and friends of the Institute of Dentistry to attend. The webinars will be held on Zoom and joining links will be emailed to you in advance of each date. Find out more. NHS England Wellbeing resources for primary care ‘Supporting Our NHS People: Primary care (dentistry, optometry, pharmacy and general practice)’ Meeting to discuss issues with challenging behaviour received from patients seeking urgent dental care at UDCs - 9th August 2021

Everyone has the right to be safe at work, and we want to reiterate in the strongest possible terms that violence and aggression towards NHS staff is totally unacceptable. Staff facing abuse will always have our support and that of their local system, and can access support via the national health and wellbeing support offer. Afghan Resettlement Assistance Programme Multiple partners across Essex are working on the Afghan Resettlement Assistance Programme as we have two ARAP bridging facilities located in Essex. These are the people arriving from Afghanistan under a planned process and arriving with permanent rights to settle. They are arriving with multiple health needs including dental. Local efforts to get these people registered with dental practices has raised a concern that dentists are refusing to register them as NHS patients assuming that they have no recourse to public funds. The letter to CCGs about eligibility for healthcare and the key paragraph is on page 2 “ All families and individuals relocated under ARAP are legally entitled to access all NHS healthcare services under their 5 years ‘Leave to Enter the UK’ immigration status” ARAP Letter to CCGs Essex Orthodontic MCN - 28th April 2021 Draft Minutes of the Essex Orthodontic MCN meeting held on 28th April 2021 Essex Restorative MCN - 12th July 2021 Draft Minutes of the Essex Restorative Dentistry meeting held on 12th July 2021 Dental Workforce Development (DWD) Promotion We have an excellent session to support Dental Receptionists. These vital team members have been especially burdened of late, and an opportunity for specific professional development could offer a boost to team members who are feeling stressed or disillusioned. Taking part will also provide an excellent support group for our colleagues. Dental Workforce Development (DWD): Dental Courses in Postgraduate Education Centres We also have two cohorts of an in-depth Coaching & Mentoring course. This would be an excellent resource for colleagues supporting fellow team members. It may be especially useful to those involved in Dental Foundation, Level 2 Upskilling, PASS Schemes etc.: Accredited Coaching & Mentoring Course There is also a course for: NEBDN Certificate in Orthodontic Dental Nursing. NHS new guide to record management NHSX has published a helpful guide on managing dental records: Records Management Code of Practice. Deaf Enhanced Support Service Now live across the East of England until March 2022. Occupational Health OH provision across the Eastern Region Sedation Provision in Essex Patient referrals for Level 1 sedation

Kind regards,

Clint Foreman (Asst. Sec Essex LDC)

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