Dear colleague,
The Commissioning of NHS Dental Services will be delegated to Integrated Care Systems from NHSE (EoE) as of 1st April 2023.
The Dental Contract Team generic inbox: will cease to be used and will no longer be monitored.
The new generic email addresses for each ICB involved with Essex are listed below and will be operational from 3 April 2023.
Please send your contractual query to the correct ICB address for your contract from that date onwards.
Staff from the NHSE (EoE) Dental Contract Team are also transferring to each of the Integrated Care Systems:
Suffolk and North East Essex (SNEE)
Vanessa King
Rob Harwood
New generic email address :
Mid and South Essex (MSE)
David Barter
Jackie Graham
Kristian Fogarty
Anna Flanagan
Nazma Khan
New generic email address :
Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE)
Amy Curtis
Kate Shannon
Mugunthan Yogaratnam
New generic email address :
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)