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October 2022 Updates

Dear colleague, Shawn Charlwood (Chair GDPC) has provided the following:

The new Government says dentistry is now a ‘top priority’.

We worked to secure a debate – and a vote – in Parliament, set to take place this coming Thursday.

So please, get your MP to push for real reform and fair funding.

Just enter your postcode and you can get your MP’s email address.

Find your MP

5 things to consider:

Your story can be powerful. Show how the crisis this service now faces is impacting you and the patients you treat:

  1. We face an access crisis. 9 in 10 practices are now unable to take on new adult NHS patients, and oral health inequality is now set to widen. Explain what you're seeing, and how you are struggling to deal with an unprecedented backlog.

  2. Dentistry is hanging by a thread. An exodus is in motion. Morale is at an all-time low and many dedicated NHS colleagues are now looking to the exit.

  3. We need real reform. Dentists are working to a contract that punishes colleagues. Recent tweaks to this broken system have done nothing to stem the flow. We need to finally see a contract that recognises and rewards commitment and prevention.

  4. We can't rebuild the service on an ever-shrinking budget. The Government is trying to improve access and retention without any new investment. It’s not possible. After a decade of savage cuts, we need fair funding to underpin a new system.

  5. Get them to take action. Ask your MP to commit to attend on 20 October at 12.00pm, and to vote for urgent change.

When emailing your MP you must include your postcode, and please copy in so we can follow this up with them on your behalf. Please get in touch by replying to this email if you need any advice, guidance, or data on your local area.

We’re keeping up the pressure in Parliament and the press.

Please help us make sure your voice is heard. Shawn Charlwood

Chair, General Dental Practice Committee

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHS England has issued further information about the marginal changes to be implemented from 1 October onwards.

This set out that from 1 October there would be a range of changes to the FP17 to reflect the package of measures that NHS England outlined in July.


Kind regards, Clint Foreman (Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)

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