Dear colleague, There will be a short Essex LDC meeting (hosted by Tom Clough on Zoom) next Monday 11th July 2022 at 6pm. Topics covered will include :
update on performance of contract from 21/22 and provisional for 22/23
update on levels of take-up 1a, 1b, 2 etc.
current problems with level 1 and level 2 MOS
MCN updates (paediatric / restorative / orthodontic / surgical)
conferencing system for future hybrid meetings
The joining details have been shared via e-mail.
Should you not be on the e-mail list and would like to attend please get in touch.
Please see the upcoming dental training courses running in Cambridge.
If you have any queries contact
----------------------------------------------------- Please see the updated Essex LDN workplan as discussed at the last Essex LDN meeting (20/6/22).
------------------------------------------------------ Kind regards, Clint Foreman (Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)